Maintenance Contracts


Forget to update your site? Want to save money on web site updates? BusyBrain is proud to offer our custom Maintenance Contracts. Pay once per year, and simply contact us when you want changes to your site!

All Maintenance Contracts Include:

  • Up to 10 Photos added to site. All photos get basic PhotoShop re-touching to ensure clarity, size, color, hue saturation, etc.
  • Each photo is fully meta-tagged for Search Engines and for sight impaired visitors to your site.
  • Unlimited text updates and text changes.*
  • Maintenance Customers are Priority Customers! ANY work you request (whether it's your scheduled update or not) receives priority over non-maintenance customers.
  • Reminders when you're due for an update. If we don't hear from you, we contact you to remind you that you're scheduled for a site update. We don't want you paying for work and not receiving full service.

Wondering if your request got to us? Whether you call us, email us, or complete the Service Form on our site, you receive an email when the work is started and finished.

No muss and no fuss, just pay once and you're covered all year!

Maintenance Customers Receive Priority on Work Order Requests

In the BusyBrain Work Order System, Maintenance Customers are highlighted in red, and receive priority over Non-Maintenance Customers. (Click for larger view)

*Maintenance Contract does not include the cost of typing text received in paper format (faxes, brochures, etc.) .


Not ready for a Maintenance Contract yet? We're still happy to update your web site for you, whether BusyBrain built the original site or not! Contact us today to keep your site up-to-date.